17 Nov 2009

Furlough Dates for Hawaii’s Public Schools


HSTA Ratifies Contract With the State of Hawaii

On September 22, 2009, the Hawaii State Teachers Association announced public school teachers ratified the collective bargaining agreement with the State of Hawaii.

Map Oahu Hawaii Schools

Map Oahu Hawaii Schools

The two-year contract covers school years 2009-2010 and 2010-2011. Beginning October 23, approximately 13,000 non-charter school teachers (including 575 12-month teachers) at 256 schools will begin taking furlough days. The official non-charter school enrollment for the 2009-2010 school year is 170,830 students, including 153,398 in regular education and 17,432 in special education. The furlough days are not applicable to public charter schools.

The state Department of Education is facing budget cuts of $468 million over two years (school years 2009-2010 and 2010-2011) for non-charter schools. Furloughs will assist the department in addressing its budget shortfalls by reducing labor costs. The Governor imposed budgetary restrictions on all state departments on June 1, 2009 to close the state’s budget deficit. The department of education is facing restrictions of $127.7 million for school year 2009-10 and $142.6 million for 2010-11 for non-charter schools.

Furloughs are difficult and will require us to work together as a community to provide alternative learning opportunities and experiences for our students.

To see the new school calendar with a list of furlough days, click here.


Teachers on a 10-month class cycle are scheduled for 17 furlough days on Fridays starting next month:

Oct. 23, 30
Nov. 6, 20
Dec. 4, 11,18
Jan. 15, 29
Feb. 5, 12
March 5, 12
April 23, 30
May 7, 14
Note: Furloughs are not scheduled for holidays or other paid nonwork days, or for professional development days during which students do not attend class.

Hawaii Furloughs - Classroom

Hawaii Furloughs - Classroom

2 Responses to Furlough Dates for Hawaii’s Public Schools
  1. All the children I’ve talked too even the teachers I’ve spoken to enjoy the furloughs. It’s a blessing they say, it allows our minds to rest and recuperate for the next week. So just leave alone, it’ll be over in a few months. And the intention was never to hurt the children or teachers or even education.
    It’s purpose was to help solve this problem with our enconomy. What good is education with no economy in Hawaii? So leave it alone and just enjoy your time with your children as many families are doing at this time and might not admit. I am enjoying the furloughs and I am admitting it is all good.
    Aloha Rad.

  2. Agree with the above post on the furloughs. A necessary to have given the economy.

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